In the preparation phase of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Hungary Aqua.REKK contributed to the work of the Economics Task Group that developed the national WBMP.
In a multidisciplinary team of experts our role was the development and test of a methodology and a related decision-support system to develop a cost-effective programme of measures in order to reach good water status as defined by the WFD.
Our activities also included developing proposals for the horizontal economic policy instruments (Background studies to the 6th, 7th and 8th chapters):
Javaslat a gazdaságszabályozási eszközök VKI célt szolgáló továbbfejlesztéséről:
- Managing the effects of hydro electricity production on water bodies by WFD conform methods, 8-2. Background study for the 8th chapter of the NRBMP
- Proposal to upgrade the water resource fee, -7-9. Background study for the 7th chapter of the NRBMP
- Coordination of the agricultural and water policy goals in sector level; Economic instruments to foster the creation of the water protection areas, 8-3. Background study for the 8th chapter of the NRBMP
Connection points of WDF goals and the local water management problems - status of the agricultural water service, 7-7. Background study for the 7th chapter of the NRBMP
Cost efficiency criteria for the evaluation of the program measures, 7-10. Background study for the 7th chapter of the NRBMP
Social-economic justification of not reaching good status of the impacted water body due to the mining activity of the Mátrai Erőmű Zrt. - 6-2. Background study for the 6th chapter of the NRBMP