The REKK.AQUA team contributed to the initial ex-ante economic analysis of the National River Basin Management Plan. We prepared economic policy instrument design proposals that were incorporated into the 8.4.3 chapter of the NRBMP (Cross sectoral measures - Measures for the cost recovery of water services). Annex 8.5 of the 8th chapter describes the details of the policy design proposals.
The water policy fields targeted with the proposals:
- delimitation of the public function provided by the multifunctional water supply and drainge systems
- pricing of the water supply and drainage infrastructure and the legal frame of managing/regulating the capacity utilisation
- managing scarce water resources, economic elements of a new resource management instiutional frame
- upgrade of the Water resource fee system
Our contribution was provided for the preparation of guidance documents on cost recovery, affordability and the discretion of heavily modified water bodies.
The National Water Basin Management Plan can be accessed from the OVF website (in Hungarian)
Background material for the National Water Basin Management Plan (in Hungarian)