Potentials and levels for the electrification of space heating in buildings and its effects on natural gas networksUploaded: 1 of December, 2022

REKK as a member of a major consortium assessed the effects of electrification and alternative fuels in the European building stock on the natural gas transmission networks.

The consortium led by Consentec, made up of Fraunhofer ISI, TU Wien, E-think and REKK performed modeling for a number of scenarios: shifting the building sector energy consumption to electricity, hydrogen, or e-fuels in various set-ups and saturation rates. REKK assessed how much the existing natural gas transmission system is fit to accommodate the energy transport need of these scenarios and how much investment burden it will mean for the future in the natural gas sector. Other members of the consortium focused on the investment cost of the buildings, electricity transmission and distribution network as well as gas distribution networks.

As part of this project, a REKK article modelled the hydrogen infrastructure options up to 2050.
The article is available here