Our products
Market simulation and analyses of the planned Slovenia-Hungary bi-directional gas interconnectorUploaded: 11 of August, 2017

REKK provided a model-based assessment of the planned Slovenian-Hungarian bidirectional gas interconnection pipeline in order to identify the risks of the project and monetize its benefits. In line with the recommendations of ACER and ENTSOG, a ...

Short and long term wholesale electricity price forecasts for HungaryUploaded: 31 of July, 2017

REKK provides both base and peakload wholesale electricity price forecasts for Telenor. In the study REKK provides short term (2017 Q3 and Q4), medium term (2018-2020) and long-term electricity price forecasts. In the case of short-term prediction, REKK ...

Water demand management in the MENA regionUploaded: 8 of June, 2017

Our water economics team at REKK contributed to the WATERSUM project ( with consultancy and capacity building activities within the field of water demand management (WDM) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Cost-benefit assessment on the introduction of individual heat meters and cost allocators in multi-flat buildings in HungaryUploaded: 27 of March, 2017

Art. 9 of the EED (2012/27/EU) requires that Membes States introduce individual heat metering in muliflat buildings. The paper assesses the benefits and costs of individual heat metering in the various building types and gives recommendations for the ...

Review of energy efficiency financing schemes in Member StatesUploaded: 27 of March, 2017

The project supportS the European Commission in the identification of effective financing schemes that can mobilise private investments in the areas of energy efficiency, and the development of recommendations for their effective deployment, up-scaling ...

Energy and Competitiveness in HungaryUploaded: 13 of February, 2017

The study explores the relationship between energy costs and competitiveness. Energy costs of firms grow with energy prices, but can be mitigated by efficiency improvements, which can be measured by changes in energy intensity over time. The study ...

Composition of a database on coal and lignite fired power plants for the West-Balkan countriesUploaded: 10 of February, 2017

The aim of the project was to compose a database on coal and lignite fired power plants for the West-Balkan countries including: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. The database includes all existing lignite and coal ...

South East Europe Electricity Roadmap - SEERMAPUploaded: 29 of September, 2016

The SEERMAP project focuses on two crucial policy areas in the electricity sector of the West Balkan region concerning its long term energy development and decarbonisation path. One area is the potential of long term renewable deployment in the target ...

Technical support to the Energy Community and its Secretariat to assess the candidate Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECI) and candidate Projects for Mutual Interest (PMI) in electricity, gas and oil infrastructure, and in smart grids development,Uploaded: 1 of September, 2016

A Consortium of REKK and DNV GL developed a project assessment methodology and evaluated the investment projects submitted as PECI/PMI candidates to the Energy Community in the field of electricity, gas, oil infrastructure and smart grids for the second ...

Economic and financial assessment of the transmission network expansion in MontenegroDevelopment of RESUploaded: 4 of August, 2016

REKK as a member of an international consortium has participated in the Cost Benefit Assessment (CBA) of the network expansion of Montenegro. The assessment included the economic analysis of the new network element: an ENTSO-E compatible CBA assesment ...