REKK was commissioned by the European Commission to analyse 21 projects of the CESEC region, with the aim to define a limited number of key projects that bring the overall larges benefit to the region by contributing to security of supply and ...
The aim of the project was to analyse the implementation of Art 7 of the EED – dealing with the introduction of energy efficiency obligation schemes – on the basis of the following official submissions of Member States: notification on the their plans ...
The 2009/28/EC Directive requires from Hungary a 13% share renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in 2020. This target has been elevated by the National Renewable Action Plan to 14. 65%. In the meantime, the European Commission has published ...
With support from the World Bank, in 2015 the Government of Bulgaria created a national water supply and sanitation strategy. The experts of REKK contributed to this strategy with a review of the experience from the sewage sector of Hungary, paying ...
The LOCSEE (Low Carbon South East Europe) project aims to build the capacities of public and other institutions dealing with climate change, and to strengthen the involvement of key stakeholders in policy development across the SEE region. The project ...
The aim of the project was to analyse the vulnerability of the European system to supply shocks. In our paper we evaluate the impact of the evolving market structure on the security of natural gas supply with a special focus on resilience to a supply ...
This fact-finding paper seeks to identify recent trends in natural gas use and import dependencies in twelve rather vulnerable EU Member States and to analyse the potential to reduce insecurity of external gas supplies of these countries in the short and ...
There are two contradictory trends unfolding in the European gas market; the process of unbundling and market liberalization towards harmonized competitive pricing against the countercurrent of decreasing local production and greater import dependency.
The project analysed the market and financial feasibility of a planned oil industry investment. The report contains the following main parts: input market analysis, regulatory environment, assessment of technology cost and output market. The project ...
The paper analyses the complex welfare impacts of proposed transmission investments in the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region with the application of the EEMM electricity model. This assessment is made at regional level, as new transmission lines have ...