The agreement concluded by the Russian and Hungarian government on 14. 01. 2014. concerning the capacity replacement marks the starting point of a project which will redefine the Hungarian electricity market. The replacement project may be the greatest ...
The objective of this collaborative effort is to analyse the different methods of changing the service price of T-System. Due to thefact that majority of the cost of T-System is dependent on the electricity price, we investigate to connect the service ...
The paper presents recommendations for the implementation of Art. 7 of Directive 2012/27/EU in a concise manner (policy brief). The paper covers the following issues: The energy saving potential of Hungarian energy consumer sectors; The international ...
In this project REKK surveyed 14 Danube Region (DR) countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenergo, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine) concerning their renewable electricity ...
The Energy Priority Area of the Danube Region Strategy together with the Regional Center for Energy Policy Research (REKK) engaged in a research project on the status quo of smart grid deployment in the Danube Region countries to introduce the issue of ...
The analysis focuses on the macroeconomic effects of the planned retrofit program of residential and public buildings by using sectoral input-output tables. It is aimed at assessing the effect of such a program on employment, the national budget and ...
The Report fulfils the requirements of the European Parliament Decision 2004/280/EC concerning a mechanism for monitoring Community GHG emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol. The report was prepared for the Ministry of National Development as ...
The energy forecast serves as a background document to the EU Energy Efficiency Directive of 2012/27/EU for the Ministry of National Development. The forecast follows a two-step approach. First it projects the final energy consumption in a higher level ...
Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) is a label attached to those projects which have the highest positive impact in the largest possible number of Contracting Parties. The assessment of one hundred projects submitted as candidates, and final ...
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