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Analysis of possible options of a large energy consumer to strengthen its presence on the Hungarian energy markets and as a result, lower its procurement costsUploaded: 1 of October, 2010

The report highlights the potential advantages of forming a power procurement consortium with other big energy consumers, and assesses the Hungarian electricity and gas market from this strategic point of view. Several interviews with big industrial ...

Natural gas demand forecast for Hungary until 2020Uploaded: 1 of September, 2010

We have prepared a study describing the evolution of Hungary’s gas consumption in recent years, and projecting expected consumption until 2020. The forecast was carried out separately for the following three sectors: household and communal consumption ...

An overview of the Hungarian natural gas sectorUploaded: 1 of August, 2010

A full review of the current regulatory and market conditions was concluded. This included an outline of the demand and supply sides, with a detailed overview of domestic production and imports. The paper presented the country’s infrastructure and the ...

Energy efficiency analysis of water and wastewater utilities based on the IBNET databaseUploaded: 1 of July, 2010

Electricity expenditures make up a large part of the operating costs of the water and wastewater sector. In our analysis we examine the energy efficiency of water and wastewater utilities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the Commonwealth of ...

Comparative analysis of the CEE region’s household electricity prices offered within the universal supply serviceUploaded: 1 of June, 2010

The aim of the study is to provide a comparison of the Hungarian universal supplier household tariff and its structure to that of the neighboring countries in order to determine wether the Hungarian end user tariff and its components outlie or rather fit ...

Analysis of the Hungarian sewage treatment works and from the viewpoint of biogas utilisation possibilitiesUploaded: 1 of June, 2010

We analysed the Hungarian sewage treatment works and waste disposals and their relevant characteristics from the viewpoint of biogas utilisation possibilities.

Participation in the preparation of the National River Basin Management Plan (WFD 2010)Uploaded: 1 of June, 2010

In the preparation phase of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Hungary Aqua. REKK contributed to the work of the Economics Task Group that developed the national WBMP. In a multidisciplinary team of experts our role was the development ...

Danube - waterway development CBAAnalysis of Danube waterway development scneraios from the perspective of the inland navigationUploaded: 1 of June, 2010

How to step forward? By 2006, the Hungarian-Slovak intergovernmental negotiations, aimed at implementing the 1997ruling of the International Court of Justice on the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project, appeared toreach a stalemate. As a last resort, on 5 October ...

Energy policy recommendations 2010Critics of the Hungarian electricity market regulation and recommendations for the way forwardUploaded: 1 of May, 2010

The aim of this analysis is to identify the most severe industrial organization and regulatory issues which appeared since the market liberalization. Furthermore, it strives to give recommendations for the government which help the development of an ...

Methodologies for Gas Transmission Network Tariffs and Gas Balancing Fees in EuropeUploaded: 1 of May, 2010

As a partner of KEMA International B. V. in a tender launched by DGTREN, REKK compared the national systems of pricing of the European natural gas transmission network and the execution and accounting of the balanced gas flows in the different European ...