This study is about the Hungarian and the European gas storage markets, with emphasis on capacity and access regulations. In the domestic gas storage market there is only one participant, E-On. , thus the access price is regulated. We try to answer the ...
At the end of the 1990’s, the World Banks has started a large-scale, international performance benchmarking programme for water and sewage utilities. Within the framework of the International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities ...
There are no translations available. Az írás a hazai vezetékes energiapiacokat érintő legfontosabb tényleges 2008. évi fejleményeket vizsgálja. Kiemelt figyelmet szentel két témának: az év eleji árampiaci modellváltás értékelésének és az alternatív ...
The paper analyses the Hungarian imbalance pricing system considering its affect on the relationship between the Hungarian wholesale market and the demanded balancing energy, and also with respect to international experiences - Nordel and the ...
There are no translations available.
The objective of this study is to provide the ERRA regulatory community with an overview of the wide set of tools that enable more efficient use of current electricity infrastructures by making electricity demand more responsive to developments on the ...
Our study was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Transport with the cooperation of the Hungarian Energy Office and MAVIR, the Hungarian transmission system operator in order to assess the need for a pump storage facility from the perspective of ...
The purpose of this study is to forecast the wholesale electricity price for 2009. We analyse the crucial factors behind the domestic electricity market tendencies in 2009. To do this, we first present the recent market regulation measures of the ...
Impact of the 2004 Enlargement on the EU Energy Sector
According to the Directive 2003/54 EC from July 1, 2007 all electricity customers including households should be free to choose supplier. It is a question what will happen on the household market which until now was supplied by regional monopolies. In ...