The study provides a comparative analysis and evaluation of the 2030 targets, measures and expected outcomes laid down in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of the EU member states belonging to the Danube Region, and the energy strategies of ...
This study covered the gas markets of the Western Balkans and some neighbouring countries, using a uniform template to review gas demand, supply, infrastructure, market strucutre and regulation for the past and present situation as well as identify the ...
REKK participates in the research program of Climate Friendly Materials Platform. CFMP is a collaborative, multi‐stakeholder platform convened by Climate Strategies and brings together from a broad spectrum of European Universities and Institutes: DIW ...
The Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) requires member states to submit progress reports every two years, on the development of renewable energy (RES) use compared with their indicative trajectories in their National Renewable Energy Action Plans ...
The FinEstLat merger and the related ITC mechanism is a unique and highly developed way of market integration in practice. The revenue redistribution applied is unparalleled in Europe and the preliminary results of the cooperation are greatly positive.
The main objective of the project is to quantitatively analyse the long-term impacts of a possible integration of Ukraine and Moldova electricity networks with the ENTSO-E system based on electricity market modelling. For this purpose, REKK with its ...
The goal of the study was to aid the Hungarian Hydrocarbon Stockpiling Association in its strategy and business plan. We assessed the following questions: European, regional and Hungarian infrastructure developments (network, cross-border infrastructure ...
A Consortium of REKK and DNV GL supported as consultants for the fourth time the expert groups of the Energy Community in the development of a project assessment methodology and evaluated the investment projects submitted as PECI/PMI candidates to the ...
This study analyses whether marginal pricing is worth to be introduced in the Hungarian balancing energy markets before MAVIR joins to the common European balancing energy platforms. Several methodological approaches (literature review, benchmark case ...
Well-functioning and liquid gas markets are a prerequisite for ensuring affordable energy for consumers, competitiveness of industries, and security of supply. They also play a role in achieving the environmental ambitions of the European Green Deal ...