As part of the project, we selected a few key issues from the regulatory and market challenges of the 2023/24 gas market year, which we examined under several scenarios. The issues examined were: The EU has sanctioned the transshipment of Russian LNG at ...
During the project, we used the EPMM model to examine various scenarios for the Romanian electricity market. The main question of the analysis was whether the decarbonization of Romania's electricity market is achievable by 2040. To address this, we ...
Cost-benefit analyis of natural ga infrastructure with EGMM model and sensitivity analysis. The project was evaluated according to requirements set forth in Regulation 347/2013. evaluation process follows the “2nd ENTSOG methodology for cost-benefit ...
In the framework contract, we carry out twice a year natural gas and electricity price forecasts for Romania, using the European Gas Market Model (EGMM) and the European Power Market Model (EPMM). The evolution of the electricity mix in Romania under ...
In the framework contract, we carry out twice a year natural gas and electricity price forecasts for Hungary, using the European Gas Market Model (EGMM) and the European Power Market Model (EPMM). The evolution of the electricity mix in Hungary under ...
REKK as a member of a major consortium assessed the effects of electrification and alternative fuels in the European building stock on the natural gas transmission networks. The consortium led by Consentec, made up of Fraunhofer ISI, TU Wien, E-think and ...
In the framework of this project, the short and long-term potential of the reduction of Russian gas dependency of the Danube Region as a whole and of individual countries has been analyzed. Draft results have been discussed with experts of international ...
The goal of the study was to follow up on the recent developments of the gas market both on the supply and demand market – and build them into the forward-looking analysis for the 2022/2023 gas year and for the 2023/2024 gas year. Based on the results of ...
The goal of the project was to assess the impact of partial and full reduction of fossil fuel supply on the short term (the upcoming winter), and to estimate the supply and demand side mitigation options that the EU can apply. The focus was to assess the ...
The aim of the project is to prepare a forecast of domestic wholesale electricity and gas prices, as well as domestic electricity balancing and imbalance settlement prices for the period 2022-2028. We set up three scenarios and, in addition to these ...