Commissioned by: E. ON Hungária Zrt. The aim of our study is to overview the international trading of electricity in Hungary after the liberalization (January 2003) of the Hungarian market. In particular we examined the allocation of the cross-border ...
The privatization of electricity distribution and generation companies in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania are valuable examples which demonstrate the challenges involved in moving from state to privately owned companies. The issues raised in this report ...
A full review of the legislative, regulatory and market conditions currently and projected over the next 3 to 5 years. This included comparing Romanian electricity prices on both the regulated market and those between OPCOM and EEX. Similar analysis was ...
Aim of this research is to improve on a quantified partial equilibrium model developed by REKK describing the Central and South-East European electricity markets. The improved model determines the wholesale prices and the generation level of the power ...
The research aims at overviewing the technologies of geothermal electricity production and providing economic feasibility analysis of a 'typical' geothermal power plant investment in Hungary. The final study includes the discussion of key geothermal ...
The goal of our study is to forecast electricity prices until 2030 by using economic modeling based on market fundamentals. The forecast is based on the analysis of the Hungarian supply and demand side of the electricity market, the Hungarian gas market ...
There are no translations available. Az írás a hazai vezetékes energiapiacokat érintő legfontosabb tényleges 2008. évi fejleményeket vizsgálja. Kiemelt figyelmet szentel két témának: az év eleji árampiaci modellváltás értékelésének és az alternatív ...
The paper analyses the Hungarian imbalance pricing system considering its affect on the relationship between the Hungarian wholesale market and the demanded balancing energy, and also with respect to international experiences - Nordel and the ...
The objective of this study is to provide the ERRA regulatory community with an overview of the wide set of tools that enable more efficient use of current electricity infrastructures by making electricity demand more responsive to developments on the ...
Our study was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Transport with the cooperation of the Hungarian Energy Office and MAVIR, the Hungarian transmission system operator in order to assess the need for a pump storage facility from the perspective of ...