In our survey, we discuss the three most important Hungarian energy market segments from the viewpoint of biomass energy: district heating, electricity production and motor fuels. With regard to district heating and electricity, we study the issues of ...
The study summarizes the historical context of and the current debate on today's long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). Additionally, it discusses the modelling options that could elicit the quantitative impact of full or partial PPA renegotiation ...
REKK has conducted a seminar series for the Association of Hungarian Electricity Trade Companies on the various models for the opening up of the electricity market. The prepared study summarizes the outcome focusing on the following issues: the supply ...
The aim of the research was to identify restructuring options of the balancing market operated by the Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd. that are viable and would fit the liberalized market environment. The study includes the summary of ...
Commissioned by: Hungarian Competition Authority
A megállapodásban szereplő témák: a földgáz költség-felülvizsgálat kapcsán javaslat kidolgozása egy hőmérséklet-függő dinamikus földgáz árszabályozási mechanizmus kialakítására, a CO2 kvóták létesítményszintű végső magyar allokációjának és várható ...
The study helps the System Operator Company to create a market monitoring system - corresponding to the legal obligations and the meeting the challenges of the current economic reality - that adequately reflects the ongoing market changes in the ...
Pannonpower Rt. is a generation company actively expanding in both the renewable energy and the district heating markets. The aim of this study is to model two elements of a planned 50MW CHP power plant development project (to be commissioned no sooner ...
A megállapodásban szereplő témák: árszabályozási peremfeltétel-vizsgálat, indexálás, kötelező átvétel közgazdasági elemzése, CO2 nemzeti allokációs terv kialakítási során felmerült problémák, NOx kibocsátási allokációs tervek készítése során felmerült ...
The study reviews the different possibilities of Hungarian electricity market development focusing on the size, liquidity and transparency of the competitve market segment. It covers the problems of demand and supply, the inefficiency of the market ...