Analysis / Electricity markets
Our products
We cover wholesale electricity market regulation and market research, network issues and analyses for large consumers in our studies.

Hungarian wholesale electricity price forecast until 2045Uploaded: 9 of December, 2019

The aim of the study to forecast the Hungarian baseload wholesale electricity price and the market value of PV production until 2045, using the REKK-developed European Electricity Market Modell. We demonstrate the results of the reference scernario, and ...

Analysis of the procurement period on the Hungarian balancing capacity markets.Uploaded: 5 of November, 2019

In this project we compared the potential advantages, disadvantages and risks of the different procurement periods and their combinations from different aspects, and we elaborated suggestions concerning the introdution of daily reserve capacity tenders.

Analysing and evaluating the Hungarian regulatory energy and capacity marketsUploaded: 4 of October, 2019

The study analysed the regulatory reserve market in Hungary between 2017 and 2019 and formed recommendations for the possible modification of the procurement methodology. Besides the Hungarian market, we also analysed balancing markets of some relevant ...

Barriers to entry in EU Retail energy marketsUploaded: 1 of March, 2019

The consortium of REKK, VaasaETT, MRC and The Advisory House contracted by the European Commission conducted a Europe-wide research project to analyse barriers to entry in retail energy markets. The project assessed the challenges facing suppliers and ...

Hungarian wholesale electricity price forecast until 2045Uploaded: 27 of February, 2019

The aim of the study to forecast the Hungarian wholesale electricity price until 2045, using the REKK-developed European Electricity Market Modell. We demonstrate the main trends in those markets (CO2, natural gas coal) which have high influence on the ...

The effect of the CO2 prices on the Hungarian wholesale electricity pricesUploaded: 27 of February, 2019

Using the REKK-developed European Electricity Market Model, we model the Hungarian electricity wholesale prices assuming different coal, natural gas and CO2 prices. We model the price developments both for the year 2019 and also for 2025, because the ...

Wholesale electricity price forecast in the RegionUploaded: 27 of February, 2019

The aim of this study is the following: Wholesale electricity price forecast for Hungary and for the other countries in the Region up till 2030, using the European Electricity Market ModelWe demonstrate the main elements of the ETS market, the most ...

Modelling and security of supply analysis of the domestic electricity wholesale market until 2030 with different power plant scenariosUploaded: 27 of February, 2019

The net import ratio of Hungary is very high as its average value between 2013 and 2017 was 32%. From the European countries only Lithuania, Luxemburg, Albania and Croatia had higher net import ratio in the same timehorizon. However, this outstanding ...

Technical assistance for PECI / PMI selectionUploaded: 5 of February, 2019

The Energy Community Secretariat has contracted a consortium of REKK and DNV GL to assist the Energy Community and its Secretariat in the assessment of candidate Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECI) and candidate Projects for Mutual Interest ...

Infrastructure performance indicators – Methodology design and application on Hungarian infrastructure sectorsUploaded: 4 of February, 2019

The proper functioning of the physical infrastructure sectors is essential to ensure sustainable economic growth and social welfare. The study aims to develop and apply a complex methodological framework to assess the performance and welfare effects of ...