Analysis / Natural gas markets
Our products
Our natural gas market analyses focus on network issues. We offer advice for the entire gas supply chain, regulatory authorities and consumers.

Economic impact assessment for the Energy Strategy of HungaryUploaded: 1 of May, 2011

Commissioned by the Ministry of National Development, REKK has completed an economic impact assessment for Hungary’s National Energy Strategy. The impact assessment reveals the economic aspects of the government’s policies which aim to ensure a secure ...

Analysis of consumer profile based allocation and settlement procedures in the natural gas industryUploaded: 1 of February, 2011

The Hungarian Gas Association commissioned the industry experts of MentorPartner and REKK to draw conclusions from the one-and-half year operation of the consumer profile based allocation and settlement system in the gas sector. We have carried out the ...

Natural gas demand forecast for Hungary until 2020Uploaded: 1 of September, 2010

We have prepared a study describing the evolution of Hungary’s gas consumption in recent years, and projecting expected consumption until 2020. The forecast was carried out separately for the following three sectors: household and communal consumption ...

An overview of the Hungarian natural gas sectorUploaded: 1 of August, 2010

A full review of the current regulatory and market conditions was concluded. This included an outline of the demand and supply sides, with a detailed overview of domestic production and imports. The paper presented the country’s infrastructure and the ...

Methodologies for Gas Transmission Network Tariffs and Gas Balancing Fees in EuropeUploaded: 1 of May, 2010

As a partner of KEMA International B. V. in a tender launched by DGTREN, REKK compared the national systems of pricing of the European natural gas transmission network and the execution and accounting of the balanced gas flows in the different European ...

Country Studies of Romanian and Hungarian electricity and gas marketsUploaded: 1 of May, 2009

A full review of the legislative, regulatory and market conditions currently and projected over the next 3 to 5 years. This included comparing Romanian electricity prices on both the regulated market and those between OPCOM and EEX. Similar analysis was ...

Analysis of the Hungarian electricity and gas market and long term price forecastsUploaded: 1 of March, 2009

The goal of our study is to forecast electricity prices until 2030 by using economic modeling based on market fundamentals. The forecast is based on the analysis of the Hungarian supply and demand side of the electricity market, the Hungarian gas market ...

The possibility of gas storage competition in HungaryUploaded: 1 of March, 2009

This study is about the Hungarian and the European gas storage markets, with emphasis on capacity and access regulations. In the domestic gas storage market there is only one participant, E-On. , thus the access price is regulated. We try to answer the ...

Energy policy - developments of 2008.Uploaded: 1 of February, 2009

There are no translations available. Az írás a hazai vezetékes energiapiacokat érintő legfontosabb tényleges 2008. évi fejleményeket vizsgálja. Kiemelt figyelmet szentel két témának: az év eleji árampiaci modellváltás értékelésének és az alternatív ...