Concerning the mechanism for monitoring the Community greenhouse-gases (GHG) emissions and for implementing the Kyoto protocol, the European Commission requires the Member States to provide a Biannual Report on its updated GHG emissions and projections ...
Grandfathering is currently the main principle for the initial allocation of tradable CO2 emission rights under the European cap-and-trade scheme. Furthermore, political feasibility often requires non-restrictive emission caps. Grandfathering under lax ...
REKK shared experience with the colleagues of the Hungarian Railways Office on the liberalisation of energy markets within the market monitoring expert committee of the Ministry of Economy and Transport. The main issues discussed were the allocation ...
In the framework of the EU ETS the Hungarian Government auctions 2. 5% of the total CO2 allowances set for the 2005-2007 period. The National Allocation Plan approved by the European Commission thus provides for the auctioning of 2 340 000 tons of CO2 ...
In our survey, we discuss the three most important Hungarian energy market segments from the viewpoint of biomass energy: district heating, electricity production and motor fuels. With regard to district heating and electricity, we study the issues of ...
A megállapodásban szereplő témák: a földgáz költség-felülvizsgálat kapcsán javaslat kidolgozása egy hőmérséklet-függő dinamikus földgáz árszabályozási mechanizmus kialakítására, a CO2 kvóták létesítményszintű végső magyar allokációjának és várható ...
Two studies were prepared on the governmental tasks and incurring budget effects of the EU CO2 emissions trading system. The first study introduces the theoretical basics of emissions trading, the main economic foundations, the assessment of the ...
The main goal of the study was to examine the residential charges of Hungarian district heating supply, and to make a proposal on the reduction of these charges and the cutback of its competitve disadvantage. The study includes a catalogue of district ...
The focus of the research was whether the wholesale prices of MOL are cost-based, how determite assessments can be made and what are the factors influencing price deviation. The first part of the paper contains an econometric analysis of the fluctuations ...
The study analyses the problem of new entrants in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Following the Directive and the relating documents the study discusses the definition and characteristics of new entrants, and the conditions of market entry.