The goal of this research was the preparation of a guide for environmental policy makers based on the international literature of environmental valuation, in order to improve the efficiency of policy decisions, incorporating the monetised value of ...
The 2009/28/EC Directive requires from Hungary a 13% share renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in 2020. This target has been elevated by the National Renewable Action Plan to 14. 65%. In the meantime, the European Commission has published ...
The LOCSEE (Low Carbon South East Europe) project aims to build the capacities of public and other institutions dealing with climate change, and to strengthen the involvement of key stakeholders in policy development across the SEE region. The project ...
This fact-finding paper seeks to identify recent trends in natural gas use and import dependencies in twelve rather vulnerable EU Member States and to analyse the potential to reduce insecurity of external gas supplies of these countries in the short and ...
The Towards2030-dialogue project intends to facilitate and guide the RES policy dialogue for the period towards 2030. This strategic initiative aims for an intense stakeholder dialogue that establishes a European vision of a joint future RES policy ...
In this project REKK surveyed 14 Danube Region (DR) countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Montenergo, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine) concerning their renewable electricity ...
The objective of the issue paper is to assess the role of four non-tariff regulatory issues in RES-E deployment: methods applied to determine the volume of intermittent RES-E capacity that can be connected to the public grid, queue management, connection ...
As a second phase to the previous work carried out together with the Cambridge Program for Sustainable Leadership (CPSL) this working paper presents the case of renewables-based electricity generation in Poland. The paper analyzes the renewables support ...
This concept paper was ordered by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission with the objective to map the non-tariff issues of RES-E deployment in three European countries: Italy, Denmark and the Czech Republic. Many aspects, including ...
The aim of this research was to provide a bottom-up estimation of the Hungarian biogas economic potential and supply curve until 2020. We conducted detailed sectorial researches according to the three main sources of biogas production: landfills, waste ...