The course brings together energy experts, think tanks, regulators and policy makers of the SEE region to share knowledge on RES integration issues. Present European practices and lessons learned on RES regulation, support schemes will be presented. Hands-on excercises will supplement these lectures.The course is an important element of the SEERMAP project capacity building part.
Education / Other courses
SEERMAP Renewable Energy Training15-17 of November, 2016 - SEERMAP project, Podgorica
Related files
- RES training Agenda (PDF, 200.48 KB)
- Péter Kaderják - László Szabó (REKK): Electricity market design – market opening (PDF, 2.79 MB)
- Gustav Resch (TU Wien): Energy policy – support instruments for renewable energy sources: key principles & lessons learnt (PDF, 4.3 MB)
- Zsuzsanna Pató (REKK): Regulatory failures in RES-E support and the new EU rules (PDF, 1.52 MB)
- László Szabó (REKK): RES integration issues (PDF, 1.24 MB)
- Christian Redl (Agora): The European Power System in 2030: Flexibility needs & integration benefits (PDF, 2.53 MB)
- Christian Redl (Agora): The recent revision of Renewable Energy Act in Germany - Overview and results of the PV tendering scheme (PDF, 1.21 MB)
- András Mezősi (REKK): European Electricity Market Model (PDF, 1.14 MB)
- Alexandru Soare (ANRE): Integration of RES in Romanian power system (PDF, 3.91 MB)
- RES support scheme in Albania, results and challenges (PDF, 992.98 KB)
- RES support scheme in Bosnia and Herzegovina, results and challenges (PDF, 902.68 KB)
- RES support scheme in Kosovo, results and challenges (PDF, 434.13 KB)
- RES support scheme in Macedonia, results and challenges (PDF, 623.25 KB)
- RES support scheme in Montenegro, results and challenges (PDF, 253.57 KB)
- RES support scheme in Serbia, results and challenges (PDF, 647.79 KB)
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