The course brings together energy experts, think tanks, regulators and policy makers of the SEE region to share knowledge on electricity network related issues. Both present and future challenges concerning network operation and development will be introduced. The second day will introduce the participant to the basics of network CBA assessment. A hands-on excercises will supplement these lectures.The course is an important element of the SEERMAP project capacity building part.
Education / Other courses
SEERMAP Network Training6-8 of March, 2017 - SEERMAP project, Athens
Related files
- Course agenda (PDF, 70.17 KB)
- László Szabó (REKK): Network assessment workshop - Introduction (PDF, 396.96 KB)
- Slobodan Markovic - Danka Todorovic (EKC):Introduction to transmission network characteristics - technical features (PDF, 1.21 MB)
- Péter Kaderják (REKK): Challenges of massive RES-E integration to the grid - TSO (PDF, 2.4 MB)
- Zsuzsanna Pató (REKK): Challenges of decarbonisation to the electricity grid: demand side flexibility and distribution network issues (PDF, 1.48 MB)
- Péter Kaderják (REKK): Introduction to transmission network assessment methodology: the ENTSO-E CBA methodology and the PCI selection process (PDF, 1.48 MB)
- Nenad Sijakovic (ECS): R347 & PLIMA - R347 Obligations and recommendations (PDF, 8.74 MB)
- László Szabó (REKK): Introduction to cross-border capacities – economic and technical characteristics (PDF, 2.09 MB)
- Slobodan Markovic - Danka Todorovic (EKC):Introduction to transmission network characteristics - technical features (PDF, 665.74 KB)
- Szabó László (REKK): Economic Assessment of a hypothetical interconnector RO-BG (PDF, 1.21 MB)
- Balázs Felsmann (REKK): Technics of financial assessment of an infrastructure project (PDF, 1.03 MB)
- Dimitri Lalas (Facets): Greek Grid Essentials (PDF, 1.89 MB)
- Mehtap ALPER SAĞLAM - Murat YILMAZ (EMRA): Turkish Electricity Network (PDF, 707.5 KB)
Course Director
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