Course objective: In the past years auctions have gained unprecedented popularity. They have become the preferred policy option in a growing number of countries to accelerate renewable energy deployment. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the participants to the functioning and main design of successful Renewable Energy Auctions. As this is a new direction in supporting renewables in both developed and developing countries, participants can learn from the experience gained through these auctions recently..
Main Topics:
- RES support models and main auction design elements: Renewable support schemes: moving from FIT to auctions; RES financing; Grid integration issues and balancing requirements for renewables; LCOE calculation exercise
- Get RES auctions right: Key design elements in RES auctions – focus on emerging markets: Instruments to ensure sufficient competition, Risk mitigating measures; Aures Designer tool of RES auction – hands on session; Turkish case study – Capacity allocation, RE-zone tenders, auction experiences; Group Work II: Auction exercise – how to build up your bidding strategy?
- Case studies: Case study on the German RES auctions; Long term outlook for vRES (market and technology) and implications for emerging markets