The aim of the REKK Energy Futures seminars is to focus on emerging policy issues related to the 'Energy Transition'. For each occasion, we invite one or two prominent experts to address topics such as the role of energy storage; decarbonization of the transport sector; the optimal integration of intermittent production inelectricity systems, including the flexibility need of future power systems.
The distinguished guest of the 6th REKK Energy Futures event was Michael Hogan, senior advisor at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) who addressed the power outage of the UK electricity system of 9th August and the lessons to be learned. The discussion covered the impacts of renewables on system operation, the role of flexibility and pricing in achieving an ‘optimal level’ of reliability. The presentation was followed by the reflections of two key experts of the Hungarian Transmission System Operator, examining the role of electricity market regulation in similar power outages situation in Hungary.
16.30-16.40 László Szabó, director, REKK: Opening
16.40-17.25 Michael Hogan, senior advisor, RAP: UK’s August 9th Loss of Load and Wider Market Implications of Grid Transformation
Reflections by:
17.25-17.35 Zoltán Tihanyi, deputy CEO responsible for transmission operation and international relations, MAVIR
17.35-17.45 Sándor Herczeg, deputy CEO responsible for market operations, MAVIR
17.45-18.30 Questions and answers