Events / REKK Workshops
Electricity prices of €1000 during the summer evening hours4 of November, - REKK Market Monitoring Klub
Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, 1093 budapest, Fővám tér 8.

This summer we have seen particularly high electricity prices in the evening. Reasons include domestic and regional factors, on the demand side e.g. increased air conditioning use during prolonged heat waves, and on the supply side power plant maintenance and low onshore wind and hydro power generation in the Balkans. In addition to high prices in the afternoon/evening, a high share of domestic solar power has led to very low and sometimes negative prices in the midday hours.
At the MarketMonitoring Club, we discussed in an invitation-only session what price movements to expect in the coming summers, whether price patterns are similar in neighbouring countries, and what generation portfolio is capable of supplying demand safely and affordably in a time of climate change.

The event was supported by the REKK Foundation.