Events / REKK Workshops
Towards more integration of Central and Eastern European energy markets21-22 of September, 2006 - Budapest

Over the past year and a half the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) has been conducting an extensive research project into ways to increase coordination and cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. The results of the Central Eastern European Energy Market (C3EM) project have included a range of studies and involved hosting conferences.

The conference is the closing event of this phase of the C3EM project, which will address some of the key issues raised by the project:

  1. Political support for regional integration,
  2. Enforcement of EU Competition Law, implications for regional trade,
  3. Network integration and cross-border trade,
  4. Regulatory efforts to harmonise market rules,
  5. Company consolidation, and regional market integration
  6. A blueprint for CEE energy market integration
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