III. REKK scholarship competition 2008-200927 of February, 2009

REKK has organised its third scholarship competition with the support of the Association of Hungarian Electricity Traders. The competition was open for university students. The following topics were suggested for analysis:

  • Energetic biomass markets in Hungary, with a focus in fuelwood
  • State of small and medium enterprises following the electricity market opening (company case study about electrciity procurement)
  • Why is district heating expensive in Hungary?
  • Does strategic storage pay back its investment cost to society?
  • Relationships of electricity and natural gas markets
  • Pros and cons for the commissioning or expansion of natural gas infrastructure in South-East Europe
  • Capital cost (rate of profit) calculation in regulated industries

8 papers were submitted for the competition.


I. prize - Endre Szolnoki: Why is district heating so epensive in Hungary?

II. prize - Kornél Andzsans-Balogh: Pros and cons for the commissioning or expansion of natural gas infrastructure in South-East Europe
