Kiadványok / Policy brief
Renewable targets and policies in the transport sector of the Danube Regionpolicy briefMegjelent: 2021. április 13.
  • The EU member countries of the Danube Region (DR) are committed to the RES-T target required by regulation, which is 14% by 2030. Despite the trend of steadily increasing GHG emissions in transportation, all DR member states project emission reductions by 2030 compared to 2018 in their WAM (with additional measures) scenarios. At the same time, energy consumption is also expected to decrease, except for Czechia, Hungary, and Romania, suggesting that the latter three countries are rather optimistic about being able to decouple demand (and energy consumption) growth and GHG emissions.
  • Almost all EU countries encourage electric vehicle penetration through the development of charging networks, purchase subsidies and allowances for EVs. Likewise, biofuel mandates are highly widespread, and support for railway development is also considerable, such as development of bicycle infrastructure.
  • Several areas and measures are still missing, and best practices should be further encouraged, e.g. only Austria and Slovenia include pedestrian infrastructure in plans for non-motorised transport modes; only Austria, Germany and Slovenia have implemented CO2-based taxation and pricing; only Slovakia, Bulgaria and in Czechia have an active regulation for blending of advanced biofuels; only a few reviewed countries have implemented consumer awareness campaigns.

This policy brief is part of a series based on the study National Energy and Climate Plans of the Danube Region commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hungary in 2020. Other policy briefs cover the electricity (2021/04), natural gas (2021/05) and heating and cooling (2021/06).

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