Publications / Research papers
A methodology for maximizing the benefits of solar landfills on closed sitesRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews - scholarly articlesPublished: 5 of April, 2017

Local urban planning has become concerned over clean energy technologies development on greenfield land that may lead to competition in land use. Solar photovoltaic systems on agriculture land is an indicative example of this disputed strategy. At the same time closed landfills and their post-closure management pose environmental, economic and land value concerns at the local authorities. In the present work we analyse the concept of solar photovoltaic system installation in closed landfills. This practice has already received attention and the present article provides an overview of existing installations as well as assessment of the existing potential. Moreover, it introduces a methodology that geoanalyses closed sites, evaluates them in a hierarchical manner and suggests the appropriate PV technology for each site. The methodology has been applied in Hungary and revealed that 450MWp of solar could be deployed in Hungarian closed landfills. EU-level projections provide estimations for the potential to range around 13GWp. Such an approach may become a forefront instrument in the local, bottom-up sustainability policy planning.

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