Related analyzes
During the project, we used the EPMM model to examine various scenarios for the Romanian electricity market. The main question of the analysis was whether the decarbonization of Romania's electricity market is achievable by 2040. To address this, we ...
The aim of the project was to model the Romanian electricity market until 2040. The analysis examined how realistic the goal of decarbonization is for Romania by 2040 in the electricity market, and how realistic the objectives related to the electricity ...
The aim of this study is to analyse the market impacts of wind capacity expansion in Hungary. Using REKK's European Power Market Model (EPMM), we investigate how different wind investment scenarios combined with different PV capacities affect the ...
Ukraine plans to decarbonize its power sector by no later than 2050, and the whole economy by 2060, thus decarbonization considerations are layered over the war and recovery related challenges. The project aimed to help this transition planning as it ...
This project aims to analyze a Hungarian-Romanian DC line. In this project, together with E-Bridge, REKK analysed the project's profitability from the investor point of view, but also carried out the social Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA). The European Power ...
The aim of the study is to examine how the share of natural gas in Hungary's total energy supply with a 34. 1% share (2019, Hungarian energy balance) can be mitigated in the short term (by 2023/24) and in the long term (by 2030). Reducing consumption with ...
The aim of the project is to prepare a forecast of domestic wholesale electricity and gas prices, as well as domestic electricity balancing and imbalance settlement prices for the period 2022-2028. We set up three scenarios and, in addition to these ...
The aim of the project is to prepare a forecast of domestic wholesale electricity and gas prices, as well as domestic electricity balancing and imbalance settlement prices for the period 2022-2028. We set up three scenarios and, in addition to these ...
Two areas were considered in the analysis. On the one hand, we analyse the impact of the closure of the lignite blocks of the Mátra Power Plant and the entry of potential new generation capacity from Mátra on the domestic electricity market, including ...
As part of the Consortia led by Ecorys, REKK has been closely involved into the impact assessment of the 347/2013 TEN-E Regulation. This study assessed the Regulation against several evaluation criteria using evidence base from desk research, modelling ...