REKK as a member of an international consortium has participated in the Cost Benefit Assessment (CBA) of the network expansion of Montenegro. The assessment included the economic analysis of the new network element: an ENTSO-E compatible CBA assesment ...
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The aim of the project was to investigate the flow impact on the FGSZ infrastrucutre of certain infrastrucutre projects and their combinations. Task 1. : Nord stream (NS2) expansion Task 2. : Nord Stream expansion + Turkish Stream and TESLA ...
In course of the project more than 50 tariff and infrastructure scenarios were analysed. The main output was: flow on the pipeline, TSO revenues in SI and in HU, social welfare change and social NPV due to the project. The modelling has been carried out ...
The aim of the study is to prepare the cost-benefit analyses of the assessed two projects and to examine whether the projects are eligible for cross-border cost allocation. In the study we demonstrate the CBCA main features, process of it, and we also ...
The project analysed the market and financial feasibility of a planned oil industry investment. The report contains the following main parts: input market analysis, regulatory environment, assessment of technology cost and output market. The project ...
REKK as a member of an international consortium has participated in the Cost Benefit Assessment (CBA) of the 400 KV electricity interconnector line of Serbia-Montenegro-Bosnia. The assessment included the economic analysis of the interconector: an ...
Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) is a label attached to those projects which have the highest positive impact in the largest possible number of Contracting Parties. The assessment of one hundred projects submitted as candidates, and final ...
Our study was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Transport with the cooperation of the Hungarian Energy Office and MAVIR, the Hungarian transmission system operator in order to assess the need for a pump storage facility from the perspective of ...
The aim of our research was to answer the question whether a cogeneration biomass power plant could be built economically in Hungary or not. We carried out a detailed analysis of the principal market segments and forecast those factors that could affect ...