The Winter Packagepays special attention to renewable energy since it is one of the main forms of "clean energy deserved by all Europeans”. It is a proposal that will amend the 2009 Renewable Directive, adding more layers to the existing regulations that ...
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Approved in 2011, Hungary’s National Energy Strategy picked the ideal electricity mix over the next 20 years. The Energy Strategy analysed several power plant scenarios for the period until 2030, and determined that the so-called nuclear-coal-green ...
On 7-9 June, REKK organised a conference focusing on four current themes within the regulation of renewable based electricity generation: the questions surrounding the achievement of the 2030 EU targets, regional progress with respect to the 2020 ...
According to Directive 2009/28/EC (hereafter: Directive), the share of energy generated from renewable sources in Hungary has to increase from what is currently about 10% of the total gross energy consumption of year 2020 to at least 13%. At the same ...
Within the next year and a half EU member states need to adjust their support schemes for the generation of renewable based electricity to the prescriptions of the EU guideline on state aid published in 2014. As the main rule, the guideline requires the ...
The British Embassy hosted our autumn professional day titled "Regulatory prerequisites of a successful renewable district heating program in Hungary". During the event heat producers, service providers, project developers, and professional ...
A frequently emphasised aim of the domestic energy policy is increasing the market share of renewable energy based heating and district heating generation. The National Energy Strategy considers renewable-based heat generation as one of the most ...
Our article of our report we present the guidelines of the European Commission on the future judgment on state aid for environmental purposes. The rules set by the corresponding document essentially seal the fate of feed-in-tariffs (FIT), a long term ...
In the article we look at the problems of renewable support schemes and the corresponding reform concepts of the EU. Demand for support in excess of the capabilities and willingness of society and the central budget have resulted in ad-hoc regulatory ...
The main target of the National Energy Strategy is the curtailment of energy consumption and thus the easing of energy dependency. In the last few years residential and tertiary sector primary energy consumption displayed a considerable drop, which may ...