The last building blocks of the European regulatory LEGO have just clicked into place with the missing network codes, underpinning the first coordinated European capacity auction and the race for fair and indiscriminate competition. However, the results ...
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In February of this year, following a four month consultation period in 2015, the European Commission released a package of communications that include a concrete proposal for the revision of security of supply Regulation 994 and the outline of a ...
Nord Stream 2 is the latest Russian incarnation intended to bypass Ukraine and bring Russian gas directly to Europe’s borders. It would double the existing Nord Stream capacity to 110 bcm/year with two additional strings between Russia and Germany under ...
There are several EU documents declaring the need for more interconnectivity of the European gas networks, especially in South East Europe. Starting with the TEN-E Regulation, which sets the framework for defining projects of regional interest, to the ...
Our article we take a close look at the security of supply risks generated by the recurring political crisis between the Ukraine and Russia. If the delivery of gas is suspended or a trade ban is imposed, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe will ...
Our article reviews the power plant investments of Hungary for the last few years. We seek to understand how the capacity balance of the country is affected by the completion of the investments launched before the crisis, and the power plants closures ...
Since the January 2009 gas crisis noteworthy changes have taken place both in the Ukrainian-Russian gas trading relations and in the regulation of the Ukrainian market. In our article we review these changes, assessing their impact on domestic gas prices ...
This section addresses the issue whether the 2004 enlargement has caused any disruption in the functioning of the EU Internal Energy Market (IEM). The effects of and the solutions adopted for any such disruptions are also considered.
The Energy Acquis Communautaire identifies the body of common rights and obligations in the area of energy which is binding for all the Member States of the EU. This broad definition includes rules and policies on: Competition; State aid (including support ...