After the European Commission released its strategic vision for EU LNG and Storage in 2016 REKK published a study examining the elasticity of European gas-infrastructure and the effects of storage related regulatory measures (storage obligations and ...
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The last building blocks of the European regulatory LEGO have just clicked into place with the missing network codes, underpinning the first coordinated European capacity auction and the race for fair and indiscriminate competition. However, the results ...
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The last Network Code enforcing the harmonised and transparent transmission tariff regulation of the European gas market was published in March 2017. This put an end to a nearly 10 year process, with the preparatory work of the first Network Codes ...
In May, French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Segolene Royal announced her intention to implement a domestic carbon price floor for the French power sector from the beginning of next year. The measure seems to be modelled after ...
The European Network of Transmission System Operators plays a major role in creating uniform European markets for both electricity (ENTSOE) and gas (ENTSOG). Since its foundation in 2011 ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) has provided ...
Our article we scrutinise the present situation and the expected future of European shale gas production. We briefly review the shale gas extraction related regulatory attitude of the European Commission and the EU member states, then using the examples ...
Our article of our report we present the guidelines of the European Commission on the future judgment on state aid for environmental purposes. The rules set by the corresponding document essentially seal the fate of feed-in-tariffs (FIT), a long term ...