Our analysis is about European power exchanges, which in the recent years due to market coupling projects turned into the primary tool of market integration. Close cooperation of national power markets in the same time creates a fierce competition ...
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Our article sums up the conclusions from our March workshop where we examined the opportunities for gas market integration within the Visegrad Four group and the advance the group has made so far. At the workshop, among others, the Polish V4 presidency ...
One of the objectives of the European Union is the development of an Integrated European electricity market by the end of 2014. As part of this endeavour, a lot of the member states participate in market coupling initiatives Hungary made its contribution ...
The regulation that is called market coupling in European jargon is a logical expansion of the EU regulatory reform that has been going on for over a decade now, an essential concept of which has been the so called “unbundling” policy. Unbun- dling has ...
The market of electricity and its legislation both national and international is in a state of transition towards a market fully liberalized. Inour region, i. e. Central and Eastern Europe, changes are triggered by the endeavours of the new Member States ...
Since early 2005 there has been a general emphasis on preventing the stalling of the liberalisation of electricity and gas markets. Examined in this chapter are the perpective of market participants who identified key obstacles preventing greater ...
This review is carries out to assess the potential of greater integration in the Central European electricity market which would fit the requirements of Directive 54/2003/EC and connected regulations. First I will summarise the essential features of ...
The completion of the Central and Eastern European Energy Market project has resulted in a range of findings that might support further efforts to speed up electricity market integration in the region. This chapter summarizes briefly the findings of each ...