Beyond Batteries: Exploring Long-Duration Electricity Storage Solutions

Knowledge sharing between the United Kingdom and Hungary to enhance energy security, 14:00 - 16:30 CET

Gas market trends in 2024

15:00 - 17:30 CET

Study on the wind power potential in Hungary

REKK and the Austrian Institute for Technology calculated a technical potential of almost 100 GW and an economic potential of 16 GW for wind power in Hungary. This exceeds by far the set wind energy targets for 2030.

Russian gas phaseout in Hungary

Our study, supported by modeling, questionnaires, interviews and statistical analysis, found that Hungarian gas consumption can be reduced by up to 37% by 2030 compared to the starting value of 2021 without any special efforts.

Is border carbon adjustment the right tool for the power sector?

Climate Policy

Zsuzsanna Pató, András Mezősi and László Szabó published in Climate Policy.

Accounts Simulation for Tariffs and Effluent Charges - our model to support water utilities' economic decisions

An integrated view on the uses, the infrastructure, the resource and the watershed.

Our electricity market model covers 28 countries and simulates the generation of 3000 power plants. It allows infrastructure investment evaluation and price forecasts.

Our gas market model can be applied for evaluating infrastructure investment, analysing crisis situations and impact assessment of regulatory changes.

Research fields

Electricity markets
Natural gas markets
District heating markets
Water economics
Renewable energy

Our products

Policy Advice
Think Tank
Power Market Modeling
Gas Market Modeling
Research Papers
Market Analysis

A global outreach

Our training activities cover the whole world: since 2004, more than 2000 energy experts from nearly 100 countries attended to our courses.

ERRA Courses

We provide one-week long intensive education courses and e-learning trainings since 2004 for the regulators of the ERRA countries covering various areas of the energy sector.

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Energy Market Economics Course

The aim of the course is to prepare the executives and chief executives of energy companies to the global economic and environmental challenges.

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Other Courses

We offer unique 2-3 day or one week long intensive trainings for companies, regulators and other organisations, tailored for the specific needs.

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