The mid-term evaluation of the RED (Renewable Energy Directive) has been carried out by the consortium of CE Delft, E-Bridge, Ecologic, AEA Ricardo and REKK. The evaluation assesses relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and added value of the RED as a whole and of the various provisions laid down in the Directive, in view of achieving the desired outcomes.
This evaluation furthermore aims to understand a number of core issues related to the various provisions of the RED:
- best practices: what provisions are most effective and efficient, and what can we learn from this;
- implementation and enforcement challenges and failures;
- administrative burden on public authorities and economic operators;
- impacts and effects, both financial and non-financial;
- key bottlenecks and barriers to achieving the directive’s provisions in an effective and efficient way;
- solutions that might resolve any of the issues and improve the provisions.
Six country case studies were carried out to gather more detailed information and stakeholder views on the effectiveness, efficiency and added value of the RED as well as recommendations to improve the RED. Case studies were carried out for Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Spain and Sweden, selected to ensure a broad range of political opinions and geographical regions.