Potential financial sources for refurbishment programs for the Hungarian building sectorUploaded: 1 of January, 2013

The aim of this research was to map potential financial sources that can be mobilized to provide public financial support for building retrofit programmes in the period of 2012-2020. Greenhouse-gas (GHG) quota revenues and subsides distorting the functioning of energy markets were analysed as possible sources offinancing retrofit programmes.

The analysed sources were the followings:

  • Sales of GHG emission rights, including the EU ETS (EAU) and non-ETS (ESD) sectors, the aviation sector emission rights (EUAA) and the Kyoto quotas (AAUs).
  • Support provided through electricity tariffs, including the coal mine support, electricity sector employee special tariff and cogeneration support.
  • Direct budgetary support, including reduced district heating VAT and EU energy tax relief.