The overall objective of the project is to implement an innovative pilot project in the Mórahalom Municipality, which will serve as a consumer-friendly, security of supply, environmentally and financially sustainable supply model for the development of ...
The aim of the study is to examine how the share of natural gas in Hungary's total energy supply with a 34. 1% share (2019, Hungarian energy balance) can be mitigated in the short term (by 2023/24) and in the long term (by 2030). Reducing consumption with ...
National Clean Development Strategy is a strategic document that all the Member States have to carried out, demonstrating how the 2050 GHG net zero emission target can be reached. REKK provided modelling support and leading the development of low-carbon ...
The study provides a comparative analysis and evaluation of the 2030 targets, measures and expected outcomes laid down in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) of the EU member states belonging to the Danube Region, and the energy strategies of ...
The purpose of the study is assess the potential to increase the use of renewable energy resources (biomass and geothermal energy) and combined heat and power in district heating generation. The study focuses on 19 district heating systems representing ...
The purpose of the study is to assess the potential to increase the use of renewable energy resources (biomass and geothermal energy) and combined heat and power in district heating generation. The study focuses on 19 district heating systems ...
The main objective of the project is to elaborate a country-specific modelling system for Hungary based on the TIMES modelling system which will serve as a basis for the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) of Hungary, fulfilling EU reporting ...
The focus of the study is renewable energy based power sources in Hungary. First, we estimate the potential of the different technologies, then we calculate the costs associated with exploiting these potentials. We center our study around innovative ...
The proper functioning of the physical infrastructure sectors is essential to ensure sustainable economic growth and social welfare. The study aims to develop and apply a complex methodological framework to assess the performance and welfare effects of ...
With the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area, REKK (HU) as coordinator, along with SFPA (SK) ...